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  • 公司全称:北京领汇国际展览有限公司
  • 公司简称:领汇国际
  • 运营官网:http://www.lewayfairs.com/
  • 联系电话:010-51295359
  • 公司地址:北京市朝阳区农展馆南路13号瑞辰国际中心719室
北京领汇国际展览有限公司成立于2005年。领汇人秉承“展览助推全球贸易”的宗旨,从事对外经济贸易合作的工作。领汇国际在全球已有北京、郑州与美国3个工作中心。旗下拥有四家注册子公司以及一家海外企业在北京的中国办事处,它们共同构成高效的领汇全球工作体系,企业团队员工约60人,是业内规模领先富有朝气的企业。 今天,领汇国际累计参与了全球600多个重要的展览项目,服务的中国企业超过10000家,领汇每年组团的海外贸易展会,涵盖了十余个专业领域,如建筑建材、综合食品、配料水产、橡胶塑料、工程机械、商品零售业、无纺布、能源、光学、通讯电子、智能卡等行业。领汇客户的参展足迹遍布五大洲的30个国家与地区。 “展览助推全球贸易”,领汇团队谨记全球市场贸易机会与民族产业发展的时代责任。“Made in China”,随着领汇的足迹,推动中国更快速的融入世界! Adhering to the tenet of ‘Exhibition Boosts Global Trade’ Leway has been engaged in Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation since found in 2002. With 13 years development Leway has promoted more than 600 overseas exhibitions to nearly 10000 enterprises in over 10 industries such as Construction & Building Food & Ingredient Seafood Rubber & Plastics Construction Machinery and Equipment Shop & Retail Trade Nonwovens Energy & Power Communication Electronics Smart Cards and etc. Serving Chinese companies to exhibit in over 30 countries and regions every year Leway has become one of the leading exhibition agencies in China. Leway always bear in mind her responsibility to boost the national industry and global trade. Following her footstep in overseas exhibition ‘Made in China’ will be more and more popular around the world!
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