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编辑:贾桂峰来源:励展博览集团微信公众号 发表时间:2015-01-14关注 次 | 查看所有评论

内容摘要: 2015年1月13日,中国对外贸易中心(集团)与励展博览集团在上海扬子江万丽大酒店举行战略合作协议签约仪式暨新闻发布会,双方正式建立战略合作伙伴关系。据悉,这是世界最大的展……


左:陆思奇,励展博览集团主席, 右:王志平,中国对外贸易中心(集团)董事长

Left: Mike Rusbridge, Chairman of Reed Exhibitions;

Right: Wang Zhiping, Chairman of China Foreign Trade Centre (Group)


  January 13, 2015 - The China Foreign Trade Centre (Group) and Reed Exhibitions held a signing ceremony and press conference to honor their new strategic alliance agreement and partnership at the Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel. This is the first-ever strategic partnership of its kind between Reed, the world’s leading events organizer and China Foreign Trade Centre (Group), a national state-owned, large scale enterprise and the world’s largest exhibition venue provider.

  中国对外贸易中心(集团)董事长王志平,励展博览集团全球主席Mike Rusbridge出席了签约仪式,发表了致辞,并代表双方在协议上签字。中国对外贸易中心(集团)总裁王润生,副总裁徐兵,上海博览会有限公司常务副总裁文仲亮,中国对外贸易中心(集团)副总裁王彦华,励展博览集团亚太区总裁马日豪,大中华区总裁王国洪等出席了签字仪式。

  Wang Zhiping, Chairman of China Foreign Trade Centre (Group) and Mike Rusbridge, Chairman of Reed Exhibitions, were in attendance and signed the agreement on behalf of their enterprises.


  Chairman Wang Zhiping noted in his address,“As the benchmarking enterprise of China’s convention and exhibition industry with over 50 years in the field, the China Foreign Trade Centre (Group) has accumulated vast experience from organizing and presenting many of the world’s top exhibitions, namely the Canton Fair and mega events such as China International Furniture Fair (Guangzhou), International Building & Construction Trade Fair and International Automobile Industry Exhibition. In the meanwhile, we have additionally modernized two major exhibition venues, the Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Centre (Pazhou Complex) and the National Exhibition and Convention Centre (Shanghai Hongqiao). Prior to the completion of the National Exhibition and Convention (Shanghai Hongqiao), the world’s largest exhibition hall in March 2015, these two venues spanned acombined building area of 2.6 million sqm with 738,000 sqm of indoor exhibition space and 143,6000 sqm of outdoor venues. It has been predicted that, in 2015, the total exhibition area of these two venues will exceed 10 million sqm,occupying one tenth of the total exhibition area in China.”


  Mike Rusbridge主席在致辞中表示:“励展博览集团在中国历经了30多年快速发展。今天的签字仪式是励展博览集团的一个里程碑事件。励展与中国对外贸易中心(集团)的新型战略联盟协议是双方之间的“强大意向声明”,共同的目标是继续在中国打造世界领先的展览会。励展通过其旗下8家出色的成员公司在全国各地主办50余场展会,服务于12个专业行业领域。我们对于中国市场的承诺从来没有像现在这么强烈。从全球角度而言,励展博览集团主办的展会吸引了来自世界各地的700多万名参与者,为其客户达成数十亿美元的业务交易。这一新的合作伙伴关系将帮助我们计划在中国举办的一些合作项目实现共赢。这一联盟关系也将有助于实现展览行业的现代化和可持续发展。”

  Mike Rusbridge shared his enthusiasm, “After more than three decades of rapid growth in China, today’s signing event is a milestone for Reed Exhibitions. The new strategic alliance agreement between Reed Exhibitions and the China Foreign Trade Centre (Group) is 'a powerful statement of intent' between two strong partners with one common goal to continue building world - leading exhibition events in China. Reed’s commitment to China has never been stronger with our eight outstanding member companies who currently organize over 50 events covering 12 specialized industries nationwide. Globally, Reed Exhibitions brought together over seven million event participants from around the world generating billions of dollars in business for its customers. This new partnership will prove mutually beneficial in the joint projects that we intend to undertake together in China. This alliance will remain instrumental to the modernization and sustained success of the industry.”



Group photo of both parties


  Both parties view this new strategic alliance as a “rewarding relationship, long-term cooperation and joint development” with an aim to not only realize mutual benefits, but to leverage their resources to achieve comprehensive cooperation and joint development inall levels and areas of the exhibition field. The alliance includes regular executive meetings, resource sharing, professional talent cultivation, exhibition projects, organization and venue cooperation. In May 2015, three mega medical and healthcare industry events, CMEF, API China and PHARMCHINA, organized by Reed Sinopharm will co-locate for the first time at the National Exhibition and Convention Centre in Shanghai.


  The Chinese Government is actively exploring opportunities that can be gained through strategic collaborations. This powerful partnership between China Foreign Trade Centre (Group) and Reed Exhibitions is a pivotal example of domestic and foreign exhibition enterprises combining their strengths and collaborating to create a win win alliance. It also signifies a desire to expand and open-up the economy by engaging global players and developing the Chinese convention and exhibition industry, from a large scale market to a cutting edge industry, whilst encouraging strategic growth.

  新闻发布会当天,励展博览集团主席Mike Rusbridge还应邀出席了2015上海会展论坛-国际会展业CEO峰会的开幕会,在会前,上海市周波副市长会见了Mike Rusbridge主席,双方就上海展览业新发展带来的机遇做了彼此的分享。

  On the day of press conference, Mike Rusbridge, chairman of Reed Exhibitions also attended the opening ceremony of Global Exhibition CEO Shanghai Summit 2015. Right before the opening ceremony, Zhou Bo, Vice Mayor of Shanghai, met with Mike Rusbridge, sharing with each other on the opportunities brought by the new development of the exhibition industry in Shanghai.(以上内容来源:励展博览集团微信公众号)

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