

Build China labour protection exhibition booth design

编辑:edit 来源 发表时间:2017-02-19 关注 次 | 查看所有评论

Tophigh International Exhibition in 2017 to undertake China labor exhibition exhibition design build services, provide one-stop exhibition service for clients.

Tophigh company was established in 2010, has a modern wooden exhibition production factory, the main business is the design and construction of exhibition planning, design and production, is also engaged in marketing activities of multimedia, audio-visual equipment and exhibition, commercial space design and decoration and outdoor signs logo, with the construction of the theme park and Museum design.


1, the global exhibition special installation, activities planning execution company, ISO9001 certification.

2, the use of borderless global project management model, "local prices, international standards" to provide customers with reliable and professional services to enhance the brand information dissemination and brand image.

3, have a professional design team and production plant.

Contact person: Mr. Ma

Mobile: 18601757172

Telephone: 021-26051919

Fax: 021-26051920


Address: Room 3, building No. 459, Shangyi Road, Shanghai, Minhang District, room 703


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