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编辑:上海朗盛展览服务来源: 发表时间:2021-01-13 21:32:51关注 次 | 查看所有评论

内容摘要: 第二十五届2021上海国际食品饮料及餐饮设备展览会 简称FHC展会 全进口食品贸易盛会 开幕日期:2021-11-9 结束日期:2021-11-11 展会地点:上海新国际博览 近年来国内休闲食品市场需求扩……


近年来国内休闲食品市场需求扩大,中高端产品消费量增大,休闲食品行业的变化不断加快,对该行业品牌营销、渠道产品研发、口味创新等要求越来越高。 本届论坛以“ 消费大时代 品牌新机遇”为主题,共商休闲食品企业未来发展方向、解剖当下行业痛点和机遇,共汇行业智慧。 In recent years, the domestic leisure food market demand is expanding, the consumption of medium and high-end products is increasing, the change of leisure food industry is accelerating, and the re for leisure food enterprise brand marketing, channel product development, taste innovation are increasingly high. This forum is themed of "New Opportunities for Brands in the Era of Consumption" that discussed the future development direction of leisure food enterprises, analyze the pain points and opportunities of the current industry, and share the wisdom of the industry.



  糖果、巧克力、乳制品、面包糕点、果汁、软饮料、罐装食品、休闲食品、冷藏食品、调味品及果酱、风干食品、冷冻食品、水果、蔬菜、美味食品、保健食品、冰淇淋 / 意式冰淇淋、添加剂、橄榄油、意大利面制品、专用标签产品;



  低温发酵啤酒、麦酒、黑啤酒 / 烈性黑啤、小麦啤酒、手工啤酒等

包装材料、食品餐饮设备、比萨饼设备、餐具及配件、展示及储藏、冷冻 / 冷藏设备、咖啡及饮料服务设备零配件工业用面包及糖果设备、配料 / 防腐剂 / 香精、面包糕点及糖果制成品、零售用面包及糖果设备等。



During the 24 th edition of Shanghai FHC, Italian Trade Agency has organized the Italian Pavilion of 280 m2 with 14 Italian companies, 8 “experience moments” in 3 days to let the attendees taste Italian products and interacts with producers throughout local dealers and web remote connections. Many are the contacts collected by our expositors and several the projects to follow up after this edition. We look forward to next edition to bring our part of tasty innovation in the Chinese F&B scene. Massimiliano Tremiterra, Trade Commissioner of Italian Trade Agency Shanghai Office 意大利对外贸易委员会上海代表处首席代表,马世骧

As one of three USDA-endorsed trade shows in Shanghai, Food & Hospitality China plays an important role in promoting U.S. food products to the China market, particularly to the growing high-end hotel and restaurant sector. Over the course of three days, participating companies in the USA Pavilion and the Meat Pavilion see a huge cross-section of the market in one place. They take orders on site, and make valuable connections that inform their market development in the months and years that follow. Mark Hanzel, Deputy Director of Agricultural Trade Office Shanghai 美国驻上海总领事馆农业贸易处农业副领事,哈马克


 电话: 021-55697868
 E-mail: 1014445957@qq.com

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