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编辑:赵菁菁来源:网纵会展网 发表时间:2019-05-12关注 次 | 查看所有评论

内容摘要: 2019中国-东盟博览会文化展 展览时间: 2019年7月5-8日,展期4天展览地点:广西南宁国际会展中心 2019 China-ASEAN Expo Culture Exhibition Exhibition time: July 5-8, 2019, exhibition venue: Guangxi Nanning Inte……




2019 China-ASEAN Expo Culture Exhibition

Exhibition time: July 5-8, 2019, exhibition venue: Guangxi Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center



Organizing organization

Organizer: Secretariat of China-ASEAN Expo, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region Culture and Tourism Department, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region Radio and Television Bureau, 


Contractor: Guangxi International Expo Group Co., Ltd.


Cambodia China Daily, Indonesia Business Daily, Lao people's Daily, Myanmar Times, Philippines Business Daily, Thailand World Daily, Vietnam Saigon Liberation Daily, Guangxi Etiquette and Cultural Exchange Association, Guangxi Institute of Finance and Economics (proposed)


The China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) has grown to become a widely-reputed platform for cooperation between China and ASEAN, an asset for both sides to promote facilitated trade and investment and a major engine of deepening the collaboration on all fronts. It has been approved by the Chinese government as one of the Top 3 Events of China. Culture is listed among the priority fields of cooperation between China and ASEAN. Culture is the priority area in the cooperation between China and ASEAN. Being one of the specialized exhibitions of the CAEXPO, the Culture Exhibition features “Jointly Building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, Promoting China-ASEAN Cultural Cooperation” as its theme, and aiming to strengthen people-to-people exchanges between both sides. The CAEXPO Culture Exhibition was selected as one of the major programs in the China-ASEAN Cultural Exchange Year by the Ministry of Culture of China.


展示内容Exhibit Categories

(一)文化综合产业Comprehensive cultural industries


cultural achievement display on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, featured images of the provinces/cities of PRC & ASEAN, intangible cultural heritage, new forms of cultural industries, trade of investment and financing projects, cultural industry parks and projects...

(二)战略合作主题推介 Theme promotion activities of strategic cooperation


cultural images of the provinces/cities, culture provinces/cities of charm, major national cultural industry projects...

(三)国际(东盟)创意文化生活 International (ASEAN) creative cultural project


ASEAN & the countries alongwith "One Belt, One Road" culture products, creative design products, fashion design products ...

(四)新闻出版广播影视 The press and publishing, radio, film and television


recent and classic Chinese and ASEAN publications, films, TV shows, new media, publishing houses, radio/television equipment, etc.

(五)旅游文化 Tourism culture products


special featured tourism products, classic tourist routes, museums, tourism & finance, tourism media, tourism products, etc.

(六)数字与科技文化 Digital and technical cultures


emerging digital culture products, cloud computing, digital culture and technology services, Intelligent City and a series of solutions and technical support content, mass entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration base, etc.

(七)文化艺术(潮流文化) Culture & Art(Fachion Cutture)


performance equipment, lighting and audio equipment, lighting show, Peking Opera and local opera performances, various dance competitions, etc.

(八)礼品公益·文化精品 Cultural Essence Gallery


national folk collections, National Museum collections of classical furniture, museum collections of cultural essence, calligraphy, paintings, embroideries, ceramics, antiques, traditional handicrafts, etc.


  • 初步活动安排Other programs

  • 建国70周年文化展演

  • Culture Performance on The 70th Anniversary of The Founding of PRC

  • 中国—东盟(南宁)国际舞蹈节

  • China-ASEAN (Nanning) International Dance Festival

  • 国际(东盟)精品购物节

  • International (ASEAN) Boutiques Shopping Session

  • 中国—东盟文化合作项目推介会

  • China-ASEAN Promotion Conference on Cultural Cooperation Projects

  • 中国—东盟文化产品采购对接会

  • China-ASEAN Culture Merchandise Procurement Convention

  • 东盟风情表演

  • ASEAN Exotic Performances

  • 各省市特色民俗文化展演

  • Folk Culture Performances of Provinces and Cities

  • 中国—东盟茶艺仙子大赛

  • China-ASEAN Tea Art Fairy Competition

  • 中国—东盟好少年礼仪大赛

  • China-ASEAN Children Etiquette Competition

  • 中国—东盟香道文化大赛

  • China-ASEAN Incense Lore Culture Competition

  • 中国—东盟花道文化大赛

  • China-ASEAN Art of Formal Flower Arrangement Competition

  • 文化创意市集

  • Culture & Creativity Market

  • 现场书画及笔会交流活动

  • On-site Painting & Calligraphic Display

  • 艺术收藏品拍

  • Art Collection Auction


展位规模及展位价格Scale of exhibition & Booth Rentals

展览面积3万平方米 30,000 m2 (1500 booths)

The scale of exhibition 30,000 m2(1500booths)

展位类型Booth type

展位价格Booth Rentals

标准展位(3*3米)Standard Booth(3*3m)

USD1100/个或RMB7000元/个USD1100/booth or RMB7000/booth

净地(36m2起租)Gross Space (36m2 in minimum)

USD120/m2 或RMB750元/m2USD120/m2 or RMB750/m2

参展热线:马先生 158 2170 6402 (微信同号)
QQ: 120520298;WeChat:expofair



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