编辑:刘雪云来源:网纵会展网 发表时间:2020-05-29 01:01:27关注 次 | 查看所有评论
内容摘要: 2020成都体育消费博览会 暨成都体育运动及健身展览会 CHENGDU SPORTS AND FITNESS EXHIBITION 09.08-09.10 成都世纪城新国际会展中心 励隆展览服务(上海)有限公司 订展热线:021-51061607 联系人:……
09.08-09.10 成都世纪城新国际会展中心
联系人:许先生 136 2164 0656
国务院办公厅印发的《体育强国建设纲要》明确体育场地设施建设、全民健身活动普及、青少年体育发展促进、国家体育训 练体系构建、科技助力奥运、体育产业升级、体育文化建设、体育志愿服务与体育社会组织建设等九大工程。
众所周知,不久前国家刚出台了《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》和《健康中国行动(2019-2030年)》,将大健康产业提 升到了一个前所未有的历史高度。政府部门推动健康理念向“以人民健康为中心”转变,也赋予了健身产业新的机遇。德纳展览 体育健身展也由此看到了属于自己的新的发展机遇。
随着国家“健康中国2030”战略的实施,可以预见,未来十年,人人“动起来”的多元化健身场景,将释放出健身产业更 大的红利,中国健身市场将会不断成熟和繁荣。在持续满足人民群众对于美好生活和健康品质的需求中,健身行业将产生无穷无 尽的想象空间——这就更加需要我们大家凝心聚力,IWF也将不断强化产业发展的平台职能,共同推动健身产业链,实现高质量 发展!Sports powers of the State Council general office issued by the construction outline clear sports facilities construction and popularization of the national fitness activities, promote the youth sports development, to build national sports training system, the power of science and technology Olympics, sports industry upgrading, sports culture construction, sports volunteer service and social organization construction and so on nine big project.
As we all know, China has just released the outline of the healthy China 2030 plan and the healthy China action plan (2019-2030), which have raised the big health industry to an unprecedented historical height. The government's push to transform the concept of health to "people's health as the center" has also given the fitness industry new opportunities. Dana exhibition sports fitness exhibition also saw its own new development opportunities.
With the implementation of the national "healthy China 2030" strategy, it can be predicted that in the next decade, the diversified fitness scene of "everyone move" will release greater dividends of the fitness industry, and the Chinese fitness market will continue to mature and prosper. In the process of continuously meeting people's demand for a better life and health quality, the fitness industry will generate endless imagination space -- which requires us all to gather together. IWF will also continue to strengthen the platform function of industrial development, and jointly promote the fitness industry chain to achieve high-quality development!