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2020年山东青岛医药展|2020青岛制药展API|API China报名处

马小小来源: 发表时间:2020-02-09 14:32:19关注 次 | 查看所有评论

内容摘要: API China第84届中国国际医药原料药/中间体/包装/设备交易会 2020年山东青岛医药展 【参展联系:马小姐 15121196695同微】……

  • API China第84届中国国际医药原料药/中间体/包装/设备交易会

  • 2020年山东青岛医药展

  • 展会介绍



    【参展联系:马小姐 15121196695 同V】 

  • 医药原料药展|原梦初心,料创未来


  • With the continuous evaluation of generic drug consistency and the implementation of the policy of joint review and approval of the original auxiliary package, pharmaceutical enterprises are responsible for their own products to improve product quality independently, and also greatly improve the subjective initiative of API enterprises. China's API market will burst into new vitality with the implementation of the joint review and approval system. The Chinese pharmaceutical industry, represented by Sinopharm group, TIANYAO group, Shangyao group, Qilu pharmaceutical, Dongbei pharmaceutical, Shandong Xinhua, Lizhu group, Huahai pharmaceutical, Haizheng pharmaceutical, chuangnio pharmaceutical, Hengxin pharmaceutical, Disha pharmaceutical and Erkang pharmaceutical, will bring their own "traditional giants" With the theme of "original dream, original heart, material and future", the exhibition of pharmaceutical raw materials located in A6 and A7 pavilions will be full of new vitality.


    怀揣匠心、极致追梦,以提供优质高效、性能稳定且价格合理药用辅料,为中国制药立足全球保驾护航,一直是中国药用辅料企业坚守的信念。API   China自2016年首次推出,中国国际药用辅料/功能性食品配料展(PHARMEX辅料配料展),代表中国乃至全球药用辅料行业最高水平,位于A5馆的PHARMEX辅料配料展以“匠心品质做好药”为主题,吸引了国内外200多家辅料企业,千余种优质产品集中亮相,为中国制药企业高效、快速通过一致性评价提供解决方案,为中国制药产品布局全球保驾护航。

  • With ingenuity and pursuit of dreams, to provide high-quality, high-efficiency, stable performance and reasonable price of pharmaceutical excipients, to protect China pharmaceutical based on the world, has always been the belief of Chinese pharmaceutical excipients enterprises. API China was first launched in 2016, and China International Pharmaceutical Excipients / Functional Food Ingredients Exhibition (pharmex excipients Ingredients Exhibition) represents the highest level of pharmaceutical excipients industry in China and even in the world. Pharmex excipients Ingredients Exhibition, located in A5 Pavilion, takes "craftsmanship, quality and good medicine" as the theme, attracting more than 200 excipients enterprises at home and abroad, and more than 1000 high-quality products appear in the exhibition, which is a Chinese pharmaceutical enterprise The industry provides solutions through consistency evaluation efficiently and quickly, which guarantees the global distribution of Chinese pharmaceutical products




    在迈向工业4.0的过程中,生产流程进一步数字化是大势所趋也是中国制药迈向中国智药的必由之路。作为服务中国制药领域的专业设备产品展示平台,位于A1、A2的中国国际制药设备展(以下简称“制药设备展“),汇聚海内外500余家领先的制药设备企业,以“科技引领,匠心智造”为主题,围绕GLP和GMP的要求,为中国制药企业提供环保、洁净、原料、制剂和生化设备。本次展会期间,还将继续推出“DREAM   LAB“梦想实验室,还原制药企业质检环境,邀请国内外领先的质检领域企业携新品亮相,为参展企业提供与数千家制药及原料药生产企业的质量管理者、设备采购人员及企业高管面对面交流的机会

    在一起,赢未来。”API Conference”作为API China重要活动之一,将围绕“科技、安全、精进、可持续”的主题,通过主场论坛、专场论坛等30余场论坛,邀请300多为行业专家,为API China参展企业以及API China平台专业观众解读制药行业的新政策、新趋势、新理念、新模式,深度挖掘商业创新。





  • API China第84届中国国际医药原料药/中间体/包装/设备交易会

       展   览:2020年05月13日至15日  09:00 - 16:30    

  • 【参展联系:马小姐 15121196695 同V】





      国药励展的业务范围涉及主办、承办全国药品、原料药、医疗器械、化学试剂、分析仪器、玻璃仪   器、实验室装备、制药设备、包装材料、中药材、保健品、化妆品原料及医药行业相关技术和服务的各种博览会、交流会、交易会、国内外学术研讨会及相关的会议  服务;出国(境)举办经济贸易展览及境内举办对外经济技术展览会。



      国药励展秉承“服务全行业,共同谋发展”的企业理念,致力于打造商务和学术相结合的有效平台,   以其专业的展览队伍、翔实庞大的信息资源和完善的服务体系吸引了业内几乎所有的龙头企业、商家、科研单位和专业人士来参加每年举办的十几个专业性展览和会   议。国药励展致力于不断创新,开发新的项目,以满足市场需要,促进行业繁荣发展。公司旗下的各个品牌已经成为中国医药、医疗器械工商企业和科研单位、医药  服务领域展示企业形象、交流信息和开拓国内外市场、促进贸易和产业进步的最有效的商务平台,并有效地促进了与海外医药界的交流。


  • 参展范围





  • 药品、生物制品生产企业保健品、食品、化妆品生产企业原料药、中间体、化工产品生产企业专业贸易及代理相关政府部门、医院、相关大学院校、研究所和设计院医药商业、药房、医药咨询协会及其它组织机构、媒体等。



  •  标准展位:

  • 包括墙板、中英文楣板、地毯、接待台、射灯(100w)、废纸篓、5A/220V电源插座


Exhibition time:

API China 84th China international pharmaceutical APIs / intermediates / packaging / Equipment Fair

Shandong Qingdao pharmaceutical exhibition in 2020


Exhibition: 09:00-16:30, may 13-15, 2020

Address: International Expo Center, Qingdao World Expo City, Shandong Province

Sponsor: reed Sinopharm Exhibition Co., Ltd

Supported by: China Chemical Pharmaceutical Industry Association

China Pharmaceutical Packaging Association

China Pharmaceutical Industry Information Center

China Pharmaceutical Group

Exhibition introduction

With the continuous evaluation of generic drug consistency and the implementation of the policy of joint review and approval of the original auxiliary package, pharmaceutical enterprises are responsible for their own products to improve product quality independently, and also greatly improve the subjective initiative of API enterprises. China's API market will burst into new vitality with the implementation of the joint review and approval system. The Chinese pharmaceutical industry, represented by Sinopharm group, TIANYAO group, Shangyao group, Qilu pharmaceutical, Dongbei pharmaceutical, Shandong Xinhua, Lizhu group, Huahai pharmaceutical, Haizheng pharmaceutical, chuangnio pharmaceutical, Hengxin pharmaceutical, Disha pharmaceutical and Erkang pharmaceutical, will bring their own "traditional giants" With the theme of "original dream, original heart, material and future", the exhibition of pharmaceutical raw materials located in A6 and A7 pavilions will be full of new vitality.

With ingenuity and pursuit of dreams, to provide high-quality, high-efficiency, stable performance and reasonable price of pharmaceutical excipients, to protect China pharmaceutical based on the world, has always been the belief of Chinese pharmaceutical excipients enterprises. API China was first launched in 2016, and China International Pharmaceutical Excipients / Functional Food Ingredients Exhibition (pharmex excipients Ingredients Exhibition) represents the highest level of pharmaceutical excipients industry in China and even in the world. Pharmex excipients Ingredients Exhibition, located in A5 Pavilion, takes "craftsmanship, quality and good medicine" as the theme, attracting more than 200 excipients enterprises at home and abroad, and more than 1000 high-quality products appear in the exhibition, which is a Chinese pharmaceutical enterprise The industry provides solutions through consistency evaluation in an efficient and fast manner, which guarantees the global distribution of Chinese pharmaceutical products.

Scope of exhibition

Pharmaceutical equipment: API equipment, pharmaceutical packaging machinery, environmental protection and purification equipment, pharmaceutical testing equipment, preparation equipment, pharmaceutical electronic supervision equipment, pharmaceutical grinding equipment, pharmaceutical water equipment, traditional Chinese medicine equipment, refrigeration equipment, fluid equipment, laboratory equipment and consumables, pharmaceutical packaging equipment, bioengineering, automation and information system and equipment;

Pharmaceutical raw materials: pharmaceutical raw materials, intermediates, fine chemicals, chemical raw materials, veterinary raw materials, biotechnology, chemical reagents, traditional Chinese medicine raw materials, feed raw materials and additives, health products raw materials and additives, food raw materials and additives, cosmetics raw materials and additives, contract outsourcing production and services;

Pharmaceutical excipients: coating materials, capsules, gelatin, plasticizers, excipients, lubricants, disintegrating agents, surfactants, surfactants, solvents, antioxidants, sunscreens, flavoring agents, sweeteners, flavors, coloring agents, preservatives, PH regulators;

Pharmaceutical packaging: infusion packaging, capsules, gelatin, clean clothing and materials, bottle cap, bottle stopper, medicinal PVC hard film, medical hose, medicinal plastic bottle, medicine raw material packaging container, medical glass, desiccant, quantitative valve spray pump, plastic holder, aluminum foil, aluminum-plastic packaging, packaging printing;

[contact: Miss Ma 15121196695 same as v]


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