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行业重磅 | 2022上海国际广印展 档期确定

编辑:上海国际广告展 来源: 发表时间:2024-03-22 20:44:56 关注 次 | 查看所有评论




"Spring returns, the industry picks up and the show launches". The Organizing Committee of APPPEXPO is confident to announce that the schedule of APPPEXPO 2022 has been confirmed and will take place at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from 19-22 July 2022! As APPPEXPO reaches the 30th anniversary, we will do our utmost to create a safe, orderly and fruitful sourcing and trade event for all industry players who closely follow the development and change of times, industry trends, as well as customer demands.

The 30th Shanghai Int’l Ad & Sign Technology & Equipment Exhibition, Shanghai Int’l Digital Textile Printing Expo, Shanghai Int’l Express Printing & Graphic Expo, Shanghai International New Retail & Design of Consumption Scene Expo, Shanghai Int’l Digital Signage System & Application Exhibition, Shanghai Int’l Lighting Expo and Shanghai Int’l Top-level Print Package Products Expo and their related events will be concurrently held.
In addition, as a guide to lead the industry for sustained development, the Organizing Committee of APPPEXPO has always stayed forefront of the industry. Digitalization of the exhibition and new business have been set up in advance to promote link between offline and online, so as to establish a comprehensive platform for international exhibition, conference and communication, featuring launch of new products, release of new trends, seminars of new technologies, communication within supply chain, value enhancement, and industry chain expansion.



2022 APPPEXPO上海国际广印展



National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)


Looking forward to your visit!




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