


关注词:2021上海国际防疫物资展 发表时间:2020-10-09 18:37:47 关注 次 | 查看所有评论

高登防疫物资展 打造全球防疫物资采购平台 助力全球统一抗疫行动  Building a platform for global epidemic  prevention materials procurement,  Promoting the unified anti-epidemic action 2020上海国际防疫 物资展览会(二期) Shanghai International Epidemic Prevention Materials Exhibition 2020 (Phase 2) 承办单位 | Organized by 上海高登商业展览有限公司 Shanghai Golden Commercial Exhibition Co., Ltd. 主办单位 | Hosted by 中国出入境检验检疫协会 China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Association CIQA&GOLDENEXPO Epidemic Prevention Materials Global Epidemic Prevention Materials Trade Fair 高登防疫物资展 上海新国际博览中心-中国 Shanghai New International Expo Centre-CHINA 2020年12月09日-10日 December 09-10, 2020 P


参展联系:杨晨18217217340 2020年伊始,面对突如其来的***感染的肺炎疫情,全国上下众志成城,形成合力,展开了打赢疫情 的防控阻击战。目前,国内疫情已基本控制,复产复工有序推进,但国外疫情却不断蔓延,特别是欧洲、美国等发 达国家和地区的感染人数持续上升,对世界经济发展和国内企业的生产经营,都造成了重大影响,并产生了较多问题。 在抗疫大战中,口罩、手套、防护服、护目镜、红外测温仪、消毒液、酒精等防疫物资及重要原辅材料需求量暴增。 防疫物资紧缺成为各国亟待解决的难题。中国作为防疫物资生产大国,面对疫情防控需求,积极扩能扩产,在保障 国内防控和复工复产需求基础上,有序开展防疫物资出口,为国际社会共同抗击疫情提供了巨大支持和坚强保障。 高登防疫物资 - 上海国际防疫物资展览会 ( 二期 )( 简称:上海防疫展 ) 作为国内防疫物资领域的专业展览活动,在国际防 疫物资产业专业展会中占有极为重要的地位。旨在打造全球防疫物资供需平台,汇集全国的相关企业,特别是中国 的优质防疫物资原料、设备、生产、外贸和物流企业,既向全世界展示中国优质、合格的防疫物资,提升中国产品 的形象;同时,又方便国内企业、相关机构和海外政府、贸易代表直接对接优质企业,采购合格的中国防疫物资, 提高效率,降低成本,解决其燃眉之急;并且,相关活动能够大大促进相关物资从中国出口,消化相关企业的产能, 拓展生产企业的销售渠道,打通防疫防护物资各个流通环节,使中国成为全球防疫物资出口的重要集散地。 At the beginning of 2020, in the face of a sudden outbreak of pneumonia caused by a novel coronavirus, the Chinese people of all ethnic  groups have united as one to win the battle against the epidemic. At present, the epidemic has been basically controlled across the country,  and the resumption of production and work have promoted in an orderly manner. However, with the spreading of the epidemic in foreign  countries, the number of infected cases in developed countries and regions especially in Europe and the United States continues to rise,  which has a major impact on the development of the world economy and the production and operation of domestic enterprises, as well as  has caused more problems. In this war against the epidemic, the demand for epidemic prevention materials and important raw and auxiliary  materials such as masks, gloves, protective clothing, goggles, infrared thermometers, disinfectants, alcohol has increased sharply, so that  the shortage of epidemic prevention materials has become an urgent problem to be solved in various countries. As a major producer of  epidemic prevention materials, China is actively expanding its capacity in response to the needs of epidemic prevention and control.  Meanwhile, on the basis of ensuring the demand for prevention and control and the resumption of production and work, China has carried  out the work of the export of epidemic prevention materials, providing tremendous support and a strong guarantee for the international  community to jointly fight against epidemic. As a professional event for domestic epidemic prevention materials industry, Global Epidemic  Prevention Materials Trade Fair-the second phase of Shanghai International Epidemic Prevention Materials Exhibition (PME) occupies an  extremely important position in the significant exhibition of the international epidemic prevention materials industry. It aims to create a global  platform of supply and demand for epidemic prevention materials, bringing together relevant enterprises across the country, especially  China's high-quality enterprises which are specialized in epidemic prevention materials, equipment, production, foreign trade and logistic.  It not only shows the qualified epidemic prevention materials to the world, but also enhances the image of Chinese products. Besides, it is  convenient for domestic enterprises, related institutions, overseas governments and trade representatives to direct connect with  outstanding enterprises, so as to purchase epidemic prevention materials, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and solve the urgent needs. In  addition, the activities of the exhibition can greatly promote the export of related materials from China, digest the production capacity of  related enterprises, expand the sale channels of production enterprises, and open up all the circulation links of epidemic prevention  materials, so that China will become an important distribution center for the export of global epidemic prevention materials.新的机遇 NEW OPPORTUNITY 2020年12月09日-10日丨上海新国际博览中心-中国 December 09-10, 2020Shanghai New International Expo Centre-CHINA PME 2020 In order to push forward the development of epidemic prevention materials manufacturing industries at home and abroad, as well as  help more enterprises obtain market information and display platform timely and effectively after the epidemic, the second phase of  Shanghai International Epidemic Prevention Materials Exhibition 2020 (PME) will be held on December 09-10, 2020 at the Shanghai  New International Expo Centre-CHINA, which is hosted by China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Association and organized by  Shanghai Golden Commercial Exhibition Co., Ltd.. The exhibition consists of four major sections: epidemic prevention products,  equipment, raw materials and comprehensive services. Exhibitors need to go through a strict selection process, and only enterprises  which are specialized with raw materials, production machines, product accessories, finished products, and third-party service can  attend the exhibition. Focusing on the industry chain of protective equipment by means of showcasing safe and superior epidemic prevention products and the latest technology at the exhibition, PME provides an efficient platform to show the China’ s high-quality  epidemic prevention materials to the world to further establish a good image of China’ s export products. Meanwhile, more production  and supply enterprises in the industry can directly contact with buyers with the communication and open up all circulation links of  epidemic prevention materials to achieve win-win cooperation. 为更好的推动国内外防疫用品制造产业的发展,帮助更多的企业在疫情过后更加及时有效的获取市场信息和展示平 台。由中国出入境检验检疫协会主办,上海高登商业展览有限公司具体承办定于2020年12月09日-10日在上海新国际博 览中心“2020上海国际防疫物资展览会(二期) ”(简称:上海防疫展)。展会共有防疫产品、设备、原材料和综合服 务四大板块组成,参展企业需经过严格遴选,包括原材料、生产机器、产品辅料配件、产品成品以及第三方服务企业等 方可参展。通过展会现场展示安全、合规的防疫产品及***聚焦防护物资产业链,向全世界展示中国优质、合格的 防疫物资,进一步树立我国出口产品的良好形象,同时让行业内更多的生产、供应企业和买家通过展会的沟通交流,建 立联系,打通防疫物资各个流通环节,实现合作共赢。2020年12月09日-10日丨上海新国际博览中心-中国 December 09-10, 2020Shanghai New International Expo Centre-CHINA PME 2020 During the exhibition, a series of forums and activities such as International Exchanges of Export Policy for Epidemic Prevention  Materials, Laws and RegulationOverseas Market Development for Epidemic Prevention Materials Seminar, Donation Ceremony of  Epidemic Prevention Materials, Investigation Activities on the Work of National Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Associations (China International Travel Health Association), and Overseas Docking Meetings of the Supply and Demand of Epidemic Prevention  Materials (Masks, Protective Clothing, Melt-blown Nonwovens, Equipment, Ventilator, etc.) will be held. Besides, the seminar will bring  together researchers engaged in foreign trade from foreign embassies & consulates, international organizations, business  associations in China, government authorities, member units of the association, exhibitors, anti-epidemic material design, production,  and export companies, law firms, colleges and universities to exchange ideas. The purpose of seminar is held to assist more  companies to grasp the development trend of the epidemic, obtain information for supply and demand, understand relevant laws,  policies and implementation procedures, so that companies can do a good job in the process of export and ensure the safe arrival of  materials to avoid economic losses. Moreover, the organizing committee is planning to invite professional buyers from domestic  emergency authorities, overseas governments, foreign embassies & consulates, business associations, trade companies, foreign  enterprises and medical institutions to participate in the overseas docking meeting, guiding domestic and foreign procurement  demands for epidemic prevention materials to dock with onsite high-quality enterprises for high-end business exchange and  cooperation in an orderly manner, so as to achieve multi-point and multi-win goals for digesting production capacity, restoring  economy, promoting foreign trade, satisfying the demand, supporting the anti-epidemic, and enhancing image. 同期活动 CONCURRENT ACTIVITIES 展会期间还将举办国际防疫物资出口政策与法规交流会、防疫物资海外市场开拓研讨会、防疫物资捐赠仪式、全国 出入境检验检疫协会(国际旅行卫生保健协会)工作情况调研活动及多场防疫物资(口罩产品、防护服产品、熔喷布、 机械设备及呼吸机等)-海外供需对接会。届时,研讨会将邀请各国驻华使(领)馆、国际组织、驻华商协会、政府主管 部门、协会会员单位、展会的参展单位、防疫物资设计、生产、出口企业、律所、高等院校等从事外贸研究人员等参 会。该研讨会的举办是为了帮助更多的企业了解疫情发展动向,沟通供求信息,掌握相关法规政策与实施程序,使企业 切实做好出口前、出口中和出口后各环节工作,确保物资安全抵达,避免经济损失。海外供需对接会特邀国内应急主管 部门、海外政府、驻华领馆机构、商协会、贸易公司和外资企业及医疗机构等专业买家,将国内外对防疫物资的采购需 求有序的引导到展会现场的优质企业进行对接,从而实现消化产能、恢复经济、促进外贸、解决需求、支援抗疫、提升 形象等多点共赢、多方共赢的目标。上届展后报告 POST SHOW REPORT 0 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:00 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 0 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:00 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 32526人次 Second day28% First day72% 第二天28% ***天72% ***天人次:23418人次 第二天人次:9108人次 门禁流量曲线图示 展会***天观 众流量图 展会第二天观 众流量图 展会总体概况 展会名称:2020高登防疫物资展 展会地点:国家会展中心-上海 · 虹桥 展会时间:2020年08月18日-19日 展出面积:25000m2 展位数量:968个 门禁流量人次:32526人次 参观人数:25168人 国内观众:21304人 海外观众:3864人 丨Exhibition Summary Exhibition Name:Global Epidemic Prevention Materials Trade Fair 2020 Exhibition Venue:NECC-Hongqiao·Shanghai Exhibition Date: August 18-19, 2020 Exhibition Area: 25000m2 Exhibitor: 968 People Flow:32526 Audience:25168 Domestic Audience:21304 Oversea Audience:3864 根据同高信息展会门禁管理系统统计的数据显示本届展会观 众人次共为:32526人次 现场观众门禁流量分析 每日门禁流量分析 丨Audience Flow Analysis Daily flow analysis According to Access Control System, the total  audiences of this exhibition session is 32526 First day:23418 Audience Flow Curve Diagram Second day:9108 Audience  flow curve  diagram of  1st day Audience  flow curve  diagram of  2nd day 2020年12月09日-10日丨上海新国际博览中心-中国 PME 2020 December 09-10, 2020Shanghai New International Expo Centre-CHINA 653人 587人 459人 193人 133人 132人 131人 128人 125人 65人 3898人 2577人 2002人 1661人 1385人 1150人 895人 724人 490人 383人 根据观众登记服务处收集汇总的数据包括:现场观众登记处注册、预 先登记、参观团、媒体等人员资料的收集,到会的人数为:25168人 资料收集分析 观众来源分析 现场观众的国内外分类如下: 国内观众人数:21304名,占观众总数的85% 国外观众人数:3864名, 占观众总数的15% 地区分析 国内观众地区分析(来自31个省市、自治区,共计39417人) 国内观众 21304人 华东地区 华北地区 华南地区 华中地区 东北地区 西南地区 西北地区 华东地区 83% 华北地区 9.8% 华南地区 3% 华中地区 2.3% 东北地区 0.95% 西南地区 0.8% 西北地区 0.5% 国内观众前十位排位(除上海地区以外) 18.3% 12.1% 9.4% 7.8% 6.5% 5.4% 4.2% 3.4% 2.3% 1.8% 海外观众前十位排位(港澳台除外) Japan Pakistan Korea (South) Mexico Spain United States United Kingdom Germany France Kenya 海外观众地区分析 亚太地区 欧美地区 其它地区 非洲地区 海外观众 3864人 非洲地区3.4% 亚太地区51% 其它3.6% 欧美地区42% 调查表问卷统计分析 观众如何获知展会信息 观众的参观目的 7.9% 15.2% 5.3% 4.7% 2% 64.8% 6.5% 2.2% 42.4% 20.8% 12.0% 10.0% 6.1% 丨Data Analysis Audience Source Analysis According to the data from registration service station, 25168  were present at the meeting those who come from on-site  registration, pre- registration , audience group, the media, etc. Oversea and Domestic Audience Proportion Domestic audience:21304,accounting for 85% Oversea audience:3864,accounting for 15% 丨Region Analysis Domestic Audience Region Analysis(39417 audience from  31 provinces and municipalities) East China 83% North China 9.8% South China 3% Central China 2.3% Northeast 0.95% Southwest 0.8% Northwest 0.5% East China North China South China Central China Northeast Southwest Northwest Domestic Audience Region Top 10(except Shanghai) Oversea Audience Region Analysis Africa 3.4% Asia-Pacific region 51% Other 3.6% Europe and  North America 42% Asia-Pacific region Europe and North America Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Africa Oversea Audiance Top 10(except Hongkong,Macau,and Taiwan) Domestic Audience 21304 Oversea Audience 3864 收到参观券 Received visiting ticket 此次展会的国内支持单位,赞助或协办单位介绍 Invitation by exhibition co-organizers,supporters and sponsors 报章,杂志广告或报导 Newspaper,Magazine,and other news report 国外厂家(展商)的介绍 Invitation by Oversea exhibitors 其他商贸伙伴的介绍 Informed by business partners 其他 Others 比较不同厂家的产品及介绍,以考虑将来购买 Compare the products and introductions between different suppliers for future purchasing 通过展会采购产品 Purchasing products 购买现场展品 Shopping on the spot 寻求海外合资合作单位 Searching for oversea joint cooperators 与您认识的厂商见面、洽谈 Meeting with certain acquainted manufacturer 参加展览会期间举行的技术交流会和研讨会 Attending other forums or seminars during exhibition 其他 Others 丨Audience Questionnaire Statistical Analysis Exhibition Approaching Path Audience Goals Analysis 日本 巴基斯坦 韩国 墨西哥 西班牙 美国 英国 德国 法国 肯尼亚 16.9% 15.2% 11.9% 5.00% 3.43% 3.42% 3.40% 3.30% 3.24% 1.70% 2020年12月09日-10日丨上海新国际博览中心-中国 PME 2020 December 09-10, 2020Shanghai New International Expo Centre-CHINA 浙江 江苏 广东 山东 北京 安徽 福建 河北 河南 辽宁 Zhejiang Jiangsu Guangdong Shandong Beijing Anhui Fujian Hebei Henan Liaoning展出大类丨Major Exhibits •防护耗材:N95口罩、医用外科口罩、一次性医用口罩、医用手套、医用帽子、医用防护服(B、C类,含护目镜、面 罩、靴套)、***病毒检测试剂等; •消毒类用品:医用酒精、酒精棉片、消毒片、消毒液、消毒喷剂、免洗消毒洗手液、消毒湿巾、二氧化氯泡腾片等; •防护设备类:防护设备类:红外测温仪、额温仪、耳温仪、电子体温计、空气消毒机、消毒机器人、血氧仪、呼吸 机、CT、X射线机、排痰系统、医疗废物处置设备、辐照灭菌装置、负压救护车、医疗器械等; •原辅材料:防粘布、熔喷布、鼻梁条、松紧耳带、ABS塑料外壳、PCB电路板、液晶屏、传感器、天然乳胶、防护服面 料、防护服拉链、PTFE防护膜等; •生产设备:口罩、防护服等防护用品生产设备、生产用软件系统、包装机械、检验检测仪器设备与技术等; •其它:协会(学会)组织、报刊、杂志、网站与出版物等。 • Protective consumables: N95 masks, medical surgical masks, disposable medical masks, medical gloves, medical hats, medical protective  clothing (category B, C, including goggles, masks, boot covers), novel coronavirus test kits, etc. • Disinfection products: medical alcohol, alcohol cotton tablets, disinfectant tablets, disinfectant, disinfectant spray, disposable disinfecting liquid  soap, disinfectant wipes, chlorine dioxide effervescence tablets, etc. • Protective equipment: infrared thermometer, forehead thermometer, ear thermometer, electronic thermometer, air disinfecting machine,  disinfection robot, pulse oximeter, ventilator, CT, X-ray machine, airway clearance system, medical waste disposal equipment, irradiation  sterilize device, negative pressure ambulance, medical equipment, etc. • Raw and auxiliary materials: anti-sticking cloth, melt-blown nonwovens, nose wire, elastic ear straps, ABS plastic shell, printed circuit board, LCD  screen, transducer, natural latex, protective clothing fabric, the zipper of protective clothing, PTFE protective film, etc. • Production equipment: production equipment for protective equipment such as masks and protective clothing, production software systems,  packaging machinery, testing and inspection equipment and technology, etc. • Others: associations (societies) and organizations, newspapers, magazines, websites and publications, etc. 参展费用丨Participation Fees  ★国际标准展位: A:国内企业:16800.00/展期(RMB) 3m×3m  B:国外企业: 4800.00/展期(USD) 3m×3m 注:标准展位(包括:三面白色壁板、中(英)文楣牌制作、咨询桌一张、折椅二张、地毯满铺、展位照明、220V/1 电源插座一个、废纸篓一个。) ★室内光地: A:国内企业:1500.00(RMB)/平方米/展期  B:国外企业: 480.00(USD)/平方米/展期 注:(最少36平方米起租)“光地”只提供参展空间,不包括展架、展具、地毯、电源等。 International Standard Booths: For domestic enterprises: RMB 16800/Expo, 3m*3m For overseas enterprises: USD 4800/Expo, 3m*3m Each standard booth consists of 3-sided white wallboards, Chinese& English fascia board, 1 consultation desk, 2 folding chairs,fully-floored  carpet, booth lighting system, 1 power socket 220V/5A, and a waste basket Indoor Raw Space: For domestic enterprises: RMB 1500/Sq.m. For overseas enterprises: USD 480.00/Sq.m. Note: The raw space(minimum 36 sq.m.) only supplies a show space excluding power supply, lights, carpet, and other things.2020年12月09日-10日丨上海新国际博览中心-中国 December 09-10, 2020Shanghai New International Expo Centre-CHINA PME 2020 • A show recognized by the national health and international epidemic prevention materials industry. • An internationally well-known exhibition with the strong appeal of industry associations and accumulated hundreds of thousands of professional  buyer resources. • A series of authoritative, professional forums combined with full exchange of production, learning and research to deepen communication and  cooperation between suppliers and buyers. • Focusing on the purpose of “Production & Manufacturing and Business Matchmaking”, exhibitor satisfaction leads the industry. • Both official group procurement and channels are connected to further enrich trade channels and forms to ensure the effect of exhibitor  participation. • Accurately grasping the needs of production and trade of epidemic prevention materials enterprises, helping suppliers and buyers with  innovative docking in trade. 展会优势丨Exhibition Advantages •全国卫生产业与国际防疫物资领域共同认可的展会; •国际知名展会,拥有强大的行业号召力,积累了数十万专业买家资源; •权威、专业论坛和活动,行业内产、学、研充分交流,供需双方高效对接; •专注“生产制造与贸易对接”办展导向,展商满意度行业领先; •官方集采与渠道对接,进一步丰富贸易渠道和形式,保障展商参展效果; •精准把握防疫物资企业的生产与贸易需求,做好供需双方的贸易创新对接。 如欲预订PME采购交易会展位,或了解更多信息,请发电子邮件至shyhzl@126.com。 或通过 以下联络方法,预订展位。 To reserve the booth of Procurement Fair of PME or learn more information, please contact: 地址: 中国(上海)浦东新区金高路1296弄151号4028-4029室(201206) Add: Room 4028 - 4029, No.151, Lane 1296, Jingao Road, 201206, Shanghai, P.R.China 电话/Tel:(86-21) 6073 4743 传真/Fax:(86-21)5013 1761 E-mail: shyhzl@126.com • Domestic and foreign manufacturer, importers, distributors, agents, retailers, e-commerce, new retail of epidemic prevention materials  • Purchasing representatives from national epidemic prevention materials franchise store, chain stores, drug stores, large supermarkets,  department stores, plastic or medicine institutions, cosmeceutical store, daily chemical stores, maternity-baby-children products stores, etc. • Heads of terminal procurement department such as national hospitals, the institution of medical cosmetology, travel and health etc.  • Manufacturers, purchaser, agents of related packaging materials, production machinery and raw materials • Experts and scholars, engineers, research and development personnel, investors, etc. • Foreign embassies & consulates , relevant government and organizations, business associations, industry associations, media, mass media,  self-media, etc. 专业观众丨Target Audiences •国内外防疫物资领域的生产商、进口商、经销商、代理商、分销商、零售商、电商及新零售等; •全国防疫物资专营店、连锁店、药店、大型超市、百货商场、整形/医美机构、药妆店、日化店、孕婴童用品店等采 购人员; •全国各医院、医疗美容、旅行保健机构采购团等终端采购负责人; •行业内相关包材、生产机械和原料的生产商、采购商、代理商等; •行业内的专家学者、工程师、研发人员、投资商等; •各国驻华使领馆、相关政府机构、行业组织、商协会、行业媒体、大众媒体及自媒体等。


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