


编辑:组委会 来源: 发表时间:2023-01-28 15:35:03 关注 次 | 查看所有评论










大会官网: http://www.fangdichanzhan.com








商用地产:主要商业街、SHOPPING MALL、社区商业用房、商场商铺商务楼、购物中心




A.标准展位:3*3=9m2 2800元人民币/m2国外企业:520USD/m2



B、特装展位:国内企业:2500元人民币/ m2,国外企业:480USD/m2(室内光地36m2 起租,不提供任何配置,展商可自行安排特殊装修或委托组织单位推荐展台搭建公司);






入 场 券:¥30000元/10万张

注:入 场 券三万张起印(70mmx210mm)




C、展位顺序分配原则 “先申请、先汇款、先安排”,双面开口展位加收20%费用;




地 址:上海闵行沪光东路89号福克斯大厦1-312室  

联系人:王刚总监 (+86)18317007116(同微信)    


网址: http://www.fangdichanzhan.com

2023 Shanghai 20th International real estate investment immigration Expo

Time:  March 24-26, 2023

Venue:  Suzhou Radio and Television International Convention and Exhibition Center (No. 288, Jinshan South Road)

❅ exhibition overview:

The international * real estate * immigration exhibition covers four major themes: overseas real estate, overseas immigration, overseas study and overseas investment. During the three-day exhibition, there will be exhibitors from more than 40 countries and regions from Europe, North America, Asia, Australia and Africa, involving overseas real estate projects and investment immigration services.

❅ exhibition overview:

Registration and exhibition arrangement: November 09-10, 2022 (9:00-17:00)

Exhibition time:  March 24-26, 2023 (9:00-16:30)

Time: 14:30, 2023

Official website: http://www.fangdichanzhan.com

Organizer: Shanghai Qishun Exhibition Service Co., Ltd

Organizer: Shanghai Qishun Exhibition Service Co., Ltd

Contact: Director Wang Gang (+ 86) 18317007116 (same as wechat)

Micro signal: Shanghai zhanhui

naming and sponsorship program:

The organizer specially invites powerful enterprises as sponsors of the conference: there are three ways of Sponsorship: diamond, gold and silver, enjoying all kinds of treatment provided by the conference (detailed information and treatment are available);

exhibition scope:

Immigration projects: investment in commercial immigration projects, immigration agencies, overseas study institutions, the latest immigration projects;

Overseas real estate developers: apartments, villas, commercial properties, real estate, overseas Chinese mall, etc;

Financial institutions: investment banks, international investment consulting institutions and financial service institutions;

Supporting services: law firms, language training schools, preparatory schools, overseas colleges, employment agencies, etc;

 booth rate:

A. Standard booth: 3 * 3 = 9m2,,    2800 yuan / m2       520usd / m2

(booth configuration: one ktplate with Chinese and English lintel, one negotiation round table, four chairs; one information table, two chairs; carpet, 220V

One power socket and two spotlights).

B. Special booth: domestic enterprises: 2500 yuan / m2, foreign enterprises: 480usd / m2 (starting from 36m2 of indoor bare land, no configuration is provided, exhibitors can arrange special decoration or entrust the organization unit to recommend the booth construction company);

other advertisements:

Handbag: 30000 yuan / 10000 pieces

50000 yuan / 5000 exhibiting cards

Visit certificate 100000 yuan / 50000 pieces

Billboard: 30000 yuan (6x4) M

Admission ticket: RMB 30000 / 100000

Note: 30000 tickets (70mmx210 mm)

exhibition procedures:

A. Fill in the application form for exhibition and stamp it with official seal and mail or scan it to the Organizing Committee of the conference; the exhibitor shall pay 50% of the booth fee as a deposit (RMB) within 5 working days according to the requirements of the payment notice, so as to determine the location of the exhibition stand, Please fax the bank remittance slip to the organizer for checking. The organizer can confirm the booth reserved by the exhibitor only after receiving the deposit of booth fee. The balance of the booth fee will be paid off before June 8, 2021. You are welcome to pay it in a lump sum. Otherwise, the organizer will regard it as giving up the exhibition and the exhibitor will withdraw the exhibition midway after registration, and the exhibition fee will not be refunded.

B. After confirming the booth, the organizer will send the exhibition manual to the exhibitor. The manual includes the transportation of exhibits, the design and construction of the exhibition stand, travel and accommodation arrangement, goods rental and other relevant information. The exhibitor must fill in the relevant forms in the manual as required and return it to the organizer before the deadline.

C. The principle of booth sequence allocation is "apply first, remit first, arrange first", and 20% fee will be charged for double-sided open booth;

Seminar and forum on 2021 overseas real estate investment and immigration

contact information

Organizing Committee of 2023 Shanghai 20th International Real Estate Investment Fair

Address: room 1-312, fox building, 89 Huguang East Road, Minhang, Shanghai

Contact: Director Wang Gang (+ 86) 18317007116 (same as wechat)

Online QQ: 694488608

Micro signal: Shanghai zhanhui

Email: 694488608@qq.com

website: http://www.fangdichanzhan.com


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