


编辑:上海福贸展览服务 来源: 发表时间:2024-12-25 19:54:32 关注 次 | 查看所有评论






广交会展馆:广州市海珠区阅江中路380号 保利世贸博览馆:广东省广州市海珠区新港东路1000号



中国(广州/上海)国际家具博览会(简称“中国家博会")创办于 1998年,这今已经连续举办五十二届。从2015年9月起,每年3月在广州琶洲、9月在上海虹桥举办,有效辐射珠三角和长三角两大***活力经济圈,是全球规模***、以全题材、全产业链为鲜明特色的大家居博览会,品质和影响力首屈一指。

Established in 1998, China international Furniture Fair (known as “ClFF"has been successfully held for 52 sesslons, Since Seotember2015, it takes placetwice yearly in both Guangzhou in March and Shanghai in September, two ofthe most vibrant commercial cities in China, Over the years ClFF has built itselfas the world's largest home furnishing fair with the entire industry chain.playing an important role in global furnishing industry



Positioned by"Design Trend, Global Trade and Full Supply Chain', ClFFGuangzhou is held annually in 18-21&28-31 March in Pazhou,Guangzhou. With anexhibition area of 830,000 square meters, ClFF Guangzhou hosts over 4,000brands from China and abroad, comprising home furniture, home decor & hometextiles, outdoor & leisure, office furniture, commerclal furniture, hotel furniture.and fumiture machinery & raw materials, The event draws more than 380,000professional visitors from more than 200 countries and regions.

ClFF Guangzhou is dedicated to industry development and global trade.

making it the foremost exhibition for "Design Trend, Intelligent Manufacturing.

Trade Promotion,and Quality Consumption.

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