


关注词:2019FHC肉类馆2019上海肉类产品展/FHC环球食品展 发表时间:2020-09-25 11:07:47 关注 次 | 查看所有评论

环球食品及酒店设备展会FHC - 一个进驻中国食品饮料市场的平台

Food and Hotel China
- Your platform for entering the Chinese food & beverage market

经过24年的发展,FHC已经成为业内领先的贸易展览。随 着中国经济的发展以及中产阶级消费群体的扩大,FHC为着眼于中国市场的各大跨国公司提供了重要的平台。
2018年6月,主办方博闻与英富曼的合并,使博闻成为 世界上最大的展览会主办方。随着两家优质资源的强强合 并,FHC在2018年的展会面积扩大至12万平方米,这打破 了以往所有的记录,加强了各国在中国市场对国际食品和服 务的需求。
展望2019,FHC展会面积将增加50%,达到前所未有的 180,000平方米。各大专业展区和一系列广泛的国际活动赛 事每年都将吸引大量的专业观众,其中在2018年,观众较 以往增长了23%。
展会邀请本地或国际的进口商、分销商、零售商和食品服务 商的专业人士将与来自世界各地的食品制造商会面并建立联 系,寻找新的商业伙伴并塑造中国食品和酒店市场的未来。

For the past 24 years, Food & Hotel China (FHC) has grown to become the leading tradeshow for internation-al companies looking to introduce their products into the Chinese market - a market that is continuously evolving as the country’s economy grows and its middle-class consumer base expands.
In June 2018, organisers UBM combined with Informa PLC to become the largest exhibition organiser in the world. With a strong combination of quality resources, FHC grew to 120,000m2 in 2018 - breaking all previous records and reinforcing the demand for international food products and services across China.
Looking ahead, FHC 2019 will grow by 50% reaching an un-paralleled 180,000m2. Targeted sectors and a wide range of international competitions and events drive the growth each year, resulting in a 23% increase in visitors in 2018.
See you there!

Join China’s premier food and hospitality tradeshow for international exporters


The 22nd edition of Food & Hotel China (FHC) closed on the 15th November 2018. The show was bigger than ever, expanding to 120,000m2 and hosting over 3,000 companies from 48 countries and regions.
FHC welcomed 118,274 trade visitors over three days - representing a 23% increase in attendees and ensuring a lively and action-packed show floor.

China's Global Food & Hospitality Trade Show

12-14 November 2019



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