
作者:领汇国际来源:网纵会展网 发表时间:2019-03-22关注 次 | 评论

展览地点瑞士 - 日内瓦GENEVA PALEXPO国际展览中心


Welcome to INDEX20--2020年瑞士无纺布及非织造布展

2020年瑞士日内瓦无纺布展展会时间 2020年3月31-4月3日

2020年瑞士日内瓦无纺布展展会地点 日内瓦GENEVA PALEXPO国际展览中心

2020年瑞士日内瓦无纺布展主办单位 ANFAMOTO & Megacycle Eventos

2020年瑞士日内瓦无纺布展举办周期 三年一届

2020年瑞士日内瓦无纺布展中国组展单位 北京领汇国际展览有限公司

Welcome to INDEX20,

the world’s leading nonwovens exhibition

INDEX? is the largest global meeting place for the nonwovens market. Taking place once every three years, it is a unique opportunity to explore the industry’s latest innovations and connect with like-minded professionals.


Over 12,700 visitors from 100+ countries

Over 660 exhibitors from 41 countries

50,000m2 of exhibition space

Free industry workshops, seminars, tutorials and presentations

Benefits for you and your business

98% of exhibitors satisfied with the business results achieved

9 out of 10 visitors actively seeking new suppliers

7 out of 10 visitors stay for two days or more

70% of all attendees are senior decision-makers

INDEX?17 – another record-breaking edition

Exhibit at INDEX?20

why exhibit?

Grow your business

With over 12,700 visitors, INDEX? 20 the perfect place to connect with existing or new customers and suppliers.

Make international connections

INDEX? brings the world to you, with visitors from more than 100 countries.

Share your latest innovations

Present your brand and products to the world alongside the biggest names in the industry.

Gain insights and inspiration

INDEX? offers a unique opportunity to speak to your customers and other nonwovens professionals, exchange ideas and gain inspiration for new projects and strategies.

Speak to industry leaders

Representatives of the world’s leading nonwovens purchasers come to INDEX?: decision-makers looking to develop strategic alliances and build new relationships with future suppliers.




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