


编辑:刘雪云 来源:网纵会展网 发表时间:2021-12-06 13:00:10 关注 次 | 查看所有评论


The 11th China International Aviation, Cruise and Railway Supplies & Service Exhibition 2022
2022年05月31日-06月02日丨国家会展中心-上海 · 虹桥

May 31-June 02, 2022丨NECC-Hongqiao·Shanghai

展会背景 | Exhibition Background
中国国际航空、邮轮及列车服务用品展览会(CTSE CHINA)作为亚洲地区旅游服务用品领域唯一专业 盛会已在上海顺利举办数届并获得巨大成功,展会共吸引来自全球四十多个国家和地区的数千家优秀供应商 前来参展,优秀展商包括:瑞士佳美、荷兰SOLA、宁波家联、鼎鸿实业、山东银凤、江苏康乃馨、朗乐实 业、梦卡诺、天旅国际、海晟鞋业、扬州易德、必得福、华铭制衣、恒泰、皓原箔业、时代铝箔、民航六 维、吉美特、台湾瑞庆、永航、无瑕等国内外知名企业。累计展出面积超过六万平米,展会期间聚集了国内 外近千家主要航空公司、机场集团、邮轮公司、铁路客运用品采购中心以及数万名全球交通运输服务领域专 业买家参会。其中,国航、东航、南航、海南航空、厦门航空、深圳航空、春秋航空、山东航空、河北航 空、香港航空、新加坡航空、大韩航空、日本航空、汉莎航空和欧美地区邮轮企业及国内各铁路局(集团) 物资处等公司管理与采购部门分别在现场设立采购中心,进行供应商样品和信息的采集。展会期间还举办了 多场会议论坛和用品买家见面会。该展会现已成为中国旅游服务用品领域最专业的采购交易会,在国际旅行 服务用品领域专业展会中占有极为重要的地位。

As the Asia unique professional exhibition in travel services field, the CTSE CHINA had been successfully held several times in Shanghai since 2012. This exhibition attracted nearly thousands of suppliers with nearly 60,000 Sq.m exhibition areas from 40 countries and regions globally, such as Gategroup, Etherland Sola,Ningbo Home-Link, Dinghong Industrial, Shandong Silver Phoenix, Jiangsu Canasin, Langel Industries, ZHEJIANG MONCANOL, 4inflight International, Haisheng Slipper,Taiwan Risesoon, Yangzhou iHotel, Foshan Beautiful, Huaming Garment, Hengtai Aluminum, Times Aluminum Foil, Shantou Yonghang, Zhuozhou Haoyuan, JMT Leather, NEWAVE AEROCHEMICAL, WUZHI WUXIA, etc. Thousands of purchasing centers of aviation, airport, cruise or railways companies and professionals from transportation services field had been attracted to this great fair. Most of all, Air China International Corp., China Eastern Airlines, China  Southern  Airlines, Hainan Airlines Corp., Xiamen Airlines Corp., Shenzhen Airlines, Spring Airlines, Juneyao Airlines Hongkong Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Japan Airlines, Lufthansa Airlines and other aviation, cruise or railway cabin & catering main departments have established the purchasing centers during the show to make samples  and  information collected from the travel service suppliers. During the fair, we have held many conferences and transportation and travel food & supplies buyer presentations. The fair has become the most professional trade fair in china travel service products industry and plays a very important role in the international travel service and supplies professional fairs.



电话:李娜 177 0171 1605(兼微信)

Q Q :3485286477


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