Japan's Largest Shoes Trade Show! SHOES EXPO TOKYO [OCTOBER] is all about shoes such as heels, boots and leather shoes from all over the world. While the show gathers wide variety of products, many exhibitors accept contract manufacturing for shoes!2020年日本鞋展市场趋势: 日本是中国鞋类产品第三大出口市场,近年来,中国鞋类产品对日本出口呈稳步增长趋势。日本是鞋类消费大国,人均鞋消费量为3.5双。日本制鞋企业不多,规模也很小,其消费市场鞋类产品主要依赖进口。 日本是我国鞋类的第三大出口市场。据日本海关统计,去年(目前)日本进口成品鞋5.7亿双,35亿美元,比上一年分别增长了3.0%和5.8%。其中,从中国进口了5.2亿双,24.3亿美元,占日本成品鞋进口总量的91.5%和69.3%,同比分别增长了3.7%和7.0%。 日本是世界第三大鞋类进口市场(中国香港地区除外)。与美国的鞋类进口几乎完全自由化所不同的是,为了保护本国制鞋业,日本对进口鞋类实施关税配额制度,也就是以关税来限制进口量,超过配额部分的进口鞋,被刻意提高关税,以控制进口量。 Fashion World Tokyo-Shoes Expo2021 2021东京鞋展 主办单位: Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.
会场: 日本东京有明国际展览中心 特别赞助: JAPAN DEPARTMENT STORES ASSOCIATION Japan Specialty Store Association、Japan Retailers Association 一、展馆地址: 日本东京有明国际展览中心 135-0063 东京都江东区有明3-11-1 搭乘电车 临海线 在“国际展示场”站下车 徒步约7分钟 海鸥线 在“国际展示场正门”站下车 徒歩约3分钟 二、2021年东京鞋展展品范围: 男鞋、女鞋、童鞋、皮鞋、橡塑鞋、时装鞋、运动鞋、室内鞋、劳保鞋、硫化鞋、拖鞋、靴子、雨鞋、沙滩鞋、箱包、皮具、手袋、舞蹈鞋、休闲鞋、鞋材、鞋机等。 三、展商回顾: YANGZHOU TIANGAO TRAVELLING ARTICLES,WENZHOU ROGEN INTERNATION,TAIZHOU ROYAL ENTERPRISE,上海艾迪技术进出口,HITS EXPORTS,晋江市世牧进出口,福建佰易科技, 山东金慧子鞋业,温州鑫沃国际贸易,镇江天源鞋业,湖南诚裕进出口,杭州西红柿进出口,台州凡曦贸易,SHANGHAI LUOTU SHOES,浙江耀达进出口, LOUNGE,MING JIA INTERNATIonAL TRADING,WUJIAN BEISHE ZHonGXING SHOES,SUZHOU BODENG SHOES,QUANZHOU WORLD-WIN import AND EXPIORT TRADE, 安麟鞋业,LI HSING SHOES,KEVIN SHOES,半岛鞋业,晋江市日胜皇鞋业,野山制靴,ALEGRIA SHOES,大漠行,温州恒翔,上海迪洲,上海洛图等等。 四、参展参观联系: 上海福贸展览服务有限公司 |上海全程展览展示有限公司 地址:上海市莲花南路1951号格兰大厦403室
邮编:201108 联系人:谢艳丽18616981016(同微信号) 电话:021-61200958 Q Q :1054348312 邮箱:1054348312@qq.com 参展服务: 1、组团赴日参加展会,全程为展商服务,团队统一负责人员的国际机票、邀请函及签证手续、酒店住宿、餐饮、接机送机、导游司机、观光旅游等一条龙服务; 2、为客户上传样品照片,参展商可以提供样品的照片,官方发布到网站上,日本客商更直接有效的了解贵公司产品信息,有利于在日本市场上销售。 3、为展商提供翻译聘请、展具租赁、货运、展品运输等服务; 4、为展商提供日本市场行情以及与日本客户外贸常识等咨询服务; 5、凡是参加我公司组织展会,均可申请国家补贴,展会的补贴的额度为50%--100%之间,根据每个地区和国家政策,不同区域补贴额度不一样的。 6、我司全程负责:展位安排、搭建装修、展具租赁;人员签证、往返国际机票、接机送机、酒店住宿、一日三餐、境外专车接送、旅游观光、翻译、司机导游等一条龙服务,让您轻松参展,欢迎各相关企业踊跃报名! 1. Organize a group to attend the exhibition in Japan, and serve the exhibitors throughout the whole process. The team is in charge of international air tickets, invitation letters and visa procedures, hotel accommodation, catering, airport pick-up and drop-off, tour guide, driver, sightseeing and other one-stop services; 2. Upload the sample photos for the customers, and the exhibitors can provide the sample photos and publish them on the official website, so that the Japanese businessmen can know the product information of your company more directly and effectively, which is conducive to the sales in the Japanese market. 3. Provide services for exhibitors such as hiring of translators, leasing of exhibition equipment, freight transportation and transportation of exhibits; 4. Provide the exhibitors with consulting services such as Japanese market situation and foreign trade knowledge with Japanese customers; 5. Anyone who participates in the exhibition organized by our company can apply for the national subsidy. The subsidy amount of the exhibition is between 50% and 100%. 6. Our company is responsible for the whole process: booth arrangement, construction and decoration, exhibition equipment rental;Personnel visa, round-trip international air tickets, airport and airport, hotel accommodation, three meals a day, overseas car transfer, tourism, translation, driver guide and other one-stop service, so that you can easily participate in the exhibition, welcome the relevant enterprises to sign up!