I. about the exhibition Gather all kinds of bags! Tokyo luggage exhibition, Japan's largest luggage trade exhibition.For women and men's and women's dual-use luggage brand area, including daily bags, backpacks, travel bags and multi-functional bags. Not only the "made in Japan" products, from the European leather craft brand more attracted buyers from all over the world. Ii. Why do you want to attend the Tokyo luggage and handbag exhibition? Ⅰ. The importers and distributors for Japan, in the Japanese market the key to success is to find high quality importer, and put your company's products are sold to all bags exhibition in Tokyo, Japan for your company and importer, distributor provides the best place to meet talks. Ⅱ. Large retailers face to face negotiations with Japan, this is the best opportunity to promote your company products and design. Ⅲ. Directly with Japanese manufacturers and agents to discuss about OEM/ODM (OEM) bags exhibition in Tokyo, Japan is OEM/ODM (OEM) business. Ⅳ. Learn the Japanese market, please prepare product series, and complete the market investigation.In addition to being able to deal directly with the seller, you can also do further market research for entering the Japanese market. 一、关于本展 聚集各式箱包! 东京箱包展 ,日本***箱包商贸展。为女性及男女两用箱包品牌专区,展出包含日用包款,背包,旅行用包及多机能包款。 不仅有"日本制造"的产品,来自欧洲的皮革工艺品牌更吸引了各国买家。 二、为什么要参加日本东京箱包手袋展览会? Ⅰ.寻求日本的进口商和经销商,在日本市场获得成功的关键就是找到优质进口商,并且将贵公司的产品销往全日本东京箱包展为贵公司与进口商,经销商会面谈判提供了***场所。 Ⅱ.与日本大型零售商进行面对面洽谈, 这是推广贵公司产品与设计的***机会。 Ⅲ.与日本厂商和代理商直接进行关于OEM/ODM(代工)的商谈日本东京箱包展是促成OEM/ODM (代工) 业务的圣地。 Ⅳ.学习日本市场,请您备齐产品系列以及完成市场调查。除了您可以和卖家直接进行交易以外,您还可以为进军日本市场做更深入的市场调查。 2021年日本东京国际箱包展览会 2021东京箱包展览会 主办单位: Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd. 展会时间:
展会会场: 日本东京有明国际展览中心 特别赞助: JAPAN DEPARTMENT STORES ASSOCIATION 本展概要: 展会简介 FASHION WORLD TOKYO 是汇集时装, 服饰, 加工技术, 生产原料为一体的綜合性时尚产业商貿展。 本展会细分为7个专业展: 潮流女裝, 男裝, 箱包, 鞋类, 时尚配饰, 服饰代工(贴牌)及纺织面料辅料。 Summary of the exhibition: The exhibition profile FASHION WORLD TOKYO is a comprehensive FASHION industry trade exhibition integrating FASHION, apparel, processing technology and production materials.This exhibition is divided into 7 professional exhibitions: fashion women's wear, men's wear, bags, shoes, fashion accessories, clothing OEM (OEM) and textile fabric accessories. 参展范围: 男女真皮包、皮具、背包、手提箱、拉杆箱、女式手袋、钱包、 公文包、夹包、运动包、书包、化妆包、首饰箱、皮带腰带、皮件饰品、帆布包、编织包、草编包、礼品袋、手袋、环保袋、防水保温袋、表带、腰带等。 观众来源: 专卖店、百货商场、高档精品店、网上商城、时尚用品店、超级市场、零售商、经销商、批发商、制造商、进出口公司、贸易公司、日用杂货店等。 我司组展优势: 1、良好的摊位位置和价格优势。 2、境外行程和酒店食宿等安排一向优惠合理便捷,得到广大参展商和商务考察企业单位的好评! 3、常年操作外展经验和熟悉当地国家情况的专业带团人员。 4、从摊位确认到展台搭建及展览品运输和商务签证培训与补贴办理,公司一条龙的专业服务理念。 参展联系: 上海福贸展览服务有限公司 |上海全程展览展示有限公司 地址:上海市莲花南路1951号格兰大厦403室 邮编:201108 联系人:谢艳丽18616981016(同微信) 电话:021-61200958 Q Q :1054348312 邮箱:1054348312@qq.com