

HD+ Asia亚洲家居装饰及生活方式展/2022 R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展定档8月深圳

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2022 HD+Asia亚洲家居装饰及生活方式展/

R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展



受新冠疫情影响,HD+Asia亚洲家居装饰及生活方式展/R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展于4月宣布展会延期。近日,经过积极的多方协调沟通,HD+ Asia亚洲家居装饰及生活方式展/R+T Asia第十七届亚洲门窗遮阳展时间变更为2022年8月31日-9月2日举办,并迁移至深圳国际会展中心(广东省深圳市宝安区福海街道展城路1号),展会平面规划请见下图。


HD+ Asia 举办至今收获了无数展商与观众的支持与厚爱。疫情虽然放慢了人们生活的节奏,但商业的脚步不会停滞不前,全球贸易正从疫情冲击中强劲复苏,国内近期多地密集出台外贸企业的扶持政策激发市场活力,国内企业也要在全球经济反弹中抓住良机,重启贸易。


作为精耕国内、国际市场的家居装饰平台,HD+ Asia肩负国内外双循环机制对外开放、互通贸易责任与使命。在顾全大局、确保安全前提下,4月延期之后,我们一直都在寻找率先重启门窗遮阳及家居软装商贸的合适契机,定档于8月在深圳重启展会也是基于多方考虑:深圳近年来发展势头强劲,已跻身中国超一线城市行列作为粤港澳大湾区核心城市,正发挥着“乘数效应”牵引带动大湾区实现高质量发展;同时深圳始终秉持开放的发展理念,也是国际交流的重要窗口;此次卓有成效防疫政策更展现了深圳一流的城市管理水平经过短暂停摆,3月底深圳实现复工复产,5月会展业也全面重启,商业交流全面复苏。

历经数月的线下展会空窗期,家居软装企业的新品推广计划被打乱,虽然如今的线上活动已非常丰富,但线下展会买卖双方直面交流、亲身体验新品的传统商贸形式还是非线上活动可比拟的。沉积已久的国际大型展会近期也陆续召开,全球贸易正在加速回归17年前R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展进军中国首届即落户广州举办如今携手HD+ Asia再次回归华南地区期冀能与国内外展商及观众携手并进在保持亚洲门窗遮阳及家居软装旗舰展优势的同时,充分利用深圳地区工装、设计等行业优势,聚合海内外优质商贸资源,在挑战中将逆境转为动力,为品牌商赋予更多价值,带来更多商机。

2022 HD+ Asia亚洲家居装饰展览会



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R+T Asia亚洲门窗遮阳展

HD+ Asia亚洲家居装饰及生活方式展





R+T Asia 2022 and HD + Home Decoration Asia are back this August in Shenzhen

Dear Exhibitors and Visitors,

Due to the epidemiological situation,in accordance with the government’s local requirements, R+T Asia and HD + Home Decoration Asia trade shows, had to be postponed in order to protect the health and safety of all show participants.

Following the consideration of feedback received from major stakeholders and partners, as well as multilateral coordination and communication, after the announced postponement in April, R + T Asia 2022 and HD + Home Decoration Asia will be held from August 31 to September 2, 2022, and moved to Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center in Shenzhen, China.

Over the past 16 editions, R+T Asia has witnessed the advancement of the industry, bringing the latest technology and design trends to its audience. Although the epidemic has slowed down the pace, global trade is ready to recover.  The upcoming 17th edition is ready to shoulder the responsibility of re-connecting East with the West and revitalizing the market. Over the years R + T Asia has become a must-attend checkpoint for all professionals in the Asia Pacific region, and as Organizers we aim to ensure the continuity of this important event, contributing to the development of the entire sector, in a secure environment, as it is of the utmost importance to us, to ensure that we deliver world-class safe events.

The plan to restart the exhibition in Shenzhen in August 2022 was based on various considerations. Shenzhen has developed strong momentum in recent years. Being a central city in the Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macau Greater Bay Area, it plays a "multiplier effect". Shenzhen has always adhered to the development concept of openness, which is a key to international trade. Due to its effective epidemic prevention policy and urban management. The city already plans to reopen trade fair doors, thus sending a clear message of recovery for the exhibition industry.

We are convinced that the newly rescheduled R+T Asia 2022 and HD+ Home Decoration Asia 2022 trade shows will deliver the experience that everyone expects. We know that great things happen when the entire community comes together and we are convinced that the next edition of the show will be again a great opportunity to bring the industry together in one place, build and develop face-to-face relationships, check out the competition and learn from each other and the industry experts.

We would like to take this opportunity, once again, to thank all partners, exhibitors and visitors for their support and faith that together we can achieve more.

We look forward to welcoming you in Shenzhen!

R+T Asia Team
VNU Exhibitions Asia Co., Ltd.
Messe Stuttgart GmbH

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