


关注词:AMEE汽车技术展览会|专业与汽车底盘四大系统|技术工艺解决方案 发表时间:2020-08-17 09:54:12 关注 次 | 查看所有评论


  汽车底盘由动力传动系统、行驶系统、转向系统制动系统等四大系统组成,涵盖的主要零部件包括:传动系统 ( 包括发动机,离合器,离合器,传动轴,驱动桥,主减速器,差速器,半轴等元件),行驶系统(包括车架,车桥,悬架,轮胎和车轮,转向系统包括转向机,传动系统,操纵机构等,制动系统(包括车轮制动器,刹车钳,刹车片,驻车制动器等。


AEE汽车工程会议平台自2018 年开始举办行业唯一汽车底盘系统制造工程大会,无论在技术性、权威性、影响力等方面都取得了行业认可,并积累了大量优质资源,在汽车行业发展的新形势和新市场需求下,AEE 汽车工程会议平台、ACS汽车底盘产业联盟、米创博隆展览(上海)有限公司将从2020 年起在上海举办汽车底盘系统工程领域的专业展览会



   AMEE2020上海国际汽车底盘系统与制造工程技术展览会定于2020 年10 月26-28 号在上海世博展览馆举办,预计将有350家世界各地企业参展,以及超过15000名汽车行业专业观众参观!



设计开发工程汽车底盘系统与整车性能开发,总体布局设计,结构设计,以及电气化设计/ 悬架系统转向系统制动系统传动系统设计开发工程试制工程等……;

底盘趋势工程未来底盘发展趋势技术,包括:底盘线控系统、自动转向技术、自适应巡航控制系统、ABS/ASR/ESP 集成控制系统、自适应巡航控制系统(ACC) 、 泊车辅助系统(PLA)、胎压监控系统(TPMS) 、可调阻尼控制系统(ADC)、车道偏离和驾驶警示系统……;


精益产品工程:汽车底盘传动系统、转向系统、制动系统、行驶系统等领域的零部件产品,包括:发动机、变速器,传动轴,离合器,驱动桥,减速器,差速器,制动器,制动总泵,真空助力器,转向机,转向轴、减震器、车架,车桥,悬架,轮胎、车轮;以及新能源汽车底盘/ 轿车底盘客车底盘/特种车辆底盘等;



- 行业唯一性全球汽车行业专门针对汽车底盘系统与制造工程技术领域的展览会平台

- 制造产业链前端设计开发到先进制造工程,从未来趋势到精益产品落地的一站式平台!


- 展会高品质300+来自世界各地的参展商齐聚上海,打造全球底盘系统产业链的盛会和风向标!

- 会议高规格6+大主题会议,涉及底盘产业链,展览+会议+活动,超过15000名买家参与!
















往届部分赞助商及参会企业上汽大众、上海通用、上汽乘用车、一汽解放、上汽大通、恒大国能、标致雪铁龙、郑州宇通、北方车辆研究所、摩登汽车、东风商用车、正道汽车、零跑汽车、一汽集团、奇点汽车、长安马自达、爱驰汽车、蔚来汽车、汇众汽车、远鉴汽车、游侠汽车、上汽集团、重庆卓通、观致汽车、北汽福田、东风汽车、华域汽车、麦格纳卫蓝、陆地方舟、吉智新能源、电咖、吉利控股、博郡新能源、长城汽车、长城华冠、北汽新能源、东风小康、恒大法拉第未来、红色江山、奥杰新能源、江铃新能源、曙光汽车、凌云工业、柳州五菱、永途汽车、知豆电动车、一汽吉林、蓥石汽车、本特勒、海斯坦普、思致汽车、捷太格特、万丰精密、浦项奥斯特姆、舍弗勒、诺玛科、博世、中信戴卡、六丰模具、博世华域、万向钱潮、纳铁福、大陆泰密克、建安工业、潍柴动力、上海柴油机、采埃孚、佛吉亚、皮尔博格、地通控股、精益达、京西重工、美桥、方盛车桥、万向系统、契辂、索密克、亚新科、重庆莱特威、法雷奥动力总成、天合、麦格纳、赛普底盘、安路特、大众动力总成、通桥科技、曙光车桥、安凯福田曙光、塔奥地通、鸿图科技、瀚瑞森、三众车桥、福坛车桥、恒力制动器、京晟、精明、爱达克斯、柳州美桥、梅拉德、通桥科技、嘉仕久、诺信汽配、孔辉汽车、优软、肇庆本田、Festo、奇石乐、中科新松、诺克、奕浩、哈工万洲、杰瑞德、雄克、山高、奥特博格、安川首钢、瑞典SSAB、伊萨、TOX、君屹、虎焊、FFG、海克斯康、发那科、Mapvision、KUKA、 宾采尔、 伏能士、 固智机器人、 江苏北人、苏德涂层、 道普润滑、 乔治费歇尔金属成型科技、和胜金属、 威尔登环保、 岩索、湖北航特、 轶诺仪器、马头动力工具……

展会详情联系主办方:172 6942 7257陈先生


The automobile chassis is composed of four systems: power transmission system, driving system, steering system and braking system. The main parts include: transmission system (including engine, clutch, clutch, transmission shaft, drive axle, final drive, differential, halfshaft and other components), driving system (including frame, axle, suspension, tire and wheel), steering system( Including steering gear, transmission system, control mechanism, etc.), brake system (including wheel brake, brake caliper, brake pad, parking brake), etc.

The four major systems of automobile chassis affect the power performance, safety performance, driving performance and comfort performance of the whole vehicle. With the improvement and transformation of the automobile consumption market and concept, the whole vehicle manufacturers put forward higher requirements for the design and development, application of new materials, manufacturing process and quality of the chassis system, which will also bring the material, process and equipment manufacturers of the chassis system industry chain Higher requirements, the improvement of chassis comprehensive performance, is the improvement of the comprehensive competitiveness of the main engine plant. Therefore, the development and improvement of automobile chassis technology is the future development trend.

AEE Automotive Engineering Conference platform has held the industry's first automobile chassis system manufacturing engineering conference since 2018, which has been recognized by the industry in terms of technology, authority and influence, and accumulated a large number of high-quality resources. Under the new situation and market demand of automobile industry development, AEE The automotive engineering conference platform, ACS automotive chassis industry alliance and micron Bolong Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. will hold a professional exhibition in the field of automotive chassis system engineering in Shanghai from 2020.


Exhibition introduction

Amee2020 Shanghai international automobile chassis system and manufacturing engineering technology exhibition is scheduled to be held in Shanghai World Expo exhibition hall on October 26-28, 2020. It is expected that 350 enterprises from all over the world will participate in the exhibition and more than 15000 professional visitors from the automobile industry will visit it!

AMEE is the only professional technology exhibition specially held for the field of automobile chassis system industry chain in the global automobile industry. The exhibition will create new energy automobile chassis system intelligent, electric, electronic, lightweight, as well as passenger vehicle, commercial vehicle, special vehicle chassis design and development process, advanced manufacturing engineering, chassis trend engineering, lean product engineering and other industry chain cutting-edge technologies and solutions Solution display platform.

Exhibition scope:

Design and development engineering: vehicle chassis system and vehicle performance development, overall layout design, structural design, and electrification design / suspension system / steering system / braking system / transmission system design / Development Engineering / trial production engineering, etc ;

Chassis trend Engineering: future chassis development trend technology, including chassis line control system, automatic steering technology, adaptive cruise control system, ABS / ASR / ESP integrated control system, adaptive cruise control system (ACC), park assist system (PLA), tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS), adjustable damping control system (ADC), lane departure and driving warning system ;

Advanced manufacturing engineering: advanced manufacturing engineering of four system parts of vehicle chassis, including: die casting technology, machining technology, stamping technology, lightweight engineering, welding technology, coating technology, assembly engineering, detection and testing technology, general assembly engineering ;

Lean Product Engineering: automotive chassis transmission system, steering system, brake system, driving system and other fields of parts and products, including: engine, transmission, transmission shaft, clutch, drive axle, reducer, differential, brake, brake master cylinder, vacuum booster, steering gear, steering shaft, shock absorber, frame, axle, suspension, tire, wheel; and new Energy vehicle chassis / car chassis / bus chassis / special vehicle chassis, etc;


Exhibition features:

-Industry uniqueness: the first exhibition platform dedicated to the field of automobile chassis system and manufacturing engineering technology in the global automobile industry!

-Manufacturing industry chain: a one-stop platform from front-end design and development to advanced manufacturing engineering, from future trend to lean product landing!

-Chassis ecosystem: 3000 + complete vehicles, chassis systems, research institutes, universities, suppliers will be integrated into ACS automotive chassis industry alliance!

-Exhibition high quality: 300 + exhibitors from all over the world gathered in Shanghai to create a grand event and wind vane of global chassis industry chain!

-Conference high specification: 6 + major theme conference, involving chassis industry chain, exhibition + conference + activity, involving more than 15000 buyers!

AMEE concurrent meeting:

1. Acs2020 the third Shanghai International Automobile Chassis System Manufacturing Engineering Conference

Involving: chassis welding, assembly, machining, stamping, coating and other processes

2. Acl2020 Shanghai international automobile chassis lightweight Engineering Forum

Involving: chassis lightweight design, lightweight materials, lightweight technology

3. Acs2020 China Automotive Chassis Technical Director Summit

Involved: 100 + chassis technical director in-depth Summit (special invitation system)

4. Ats2020 Shanghai International Automobile Transmission System Engineering Conference

Involved in: research and development, process and product of automobile transmission system design

5. Abs2020 Shanghai International Automobile Brake System Engineering Conference

Involved in: design and development, process and product of automobile brake system

6. Ass2020 Shanghai International Automobile Steering System Engineering Conference

Involved in: design and development, process and product of automobile steering system

7. Aecc2020 Shanghai International Commercial Vehicle self driving engineering conference

Involving: commercial vehicle automatic driving engineering and scene landing application

Previous sponsors and participating enterprises: SAIC Volkswagen, Shanghai GM, SAIC passenger vehicles, FAW solution


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